Trade Booth Design on a Dime

If you’ve got an unlimited budget, you can hire an expensive, big name firm to create a glitzy, breath-taking structure that will be the talk of the show. However at ExpoPlus, we find most of our clients have to work with more modest budgets, many even on a shoestring.

To help our clients get the most for their marketing budget, we bring in our parent company, Bodden Partners. They are a full-service, marketing communications company with an award-winning strategy and design team. Together our team can help you hone your message, craft your offer and create functional, affordable trade show experiences that both command attention and invite interaction.

We use your company marketing and your exhibit strategy to determine the booth message and design. We always recommend that our clients look beyond pitching their product or service and focus on making a visit to the booth helpful and meaningful for attendees. What are their pain points and needs?  What problems can you solve for them? How can you help them? What opportunities can you create? In short, create a booth experience that is about the visitor, not just about your product.

If you would like to tap our expert guidance for your next show, contact Jim Seafort for a custom consultation.